Monday, December 7, 2009

Stomach Hernia More Condition_symptoms -hiatus Question About A Stomach Hernia?

Question about a stomach hernia? - stomach hernia more condition_symptoms -hiatus

I had an endoscopy, a week before and told me I had a sort of rupture of the stomach. Tomorrow I will talk to the doctor. But I wonder if it something to do with a herniated disc at? I go to an amusement park next week and wondered if the game angry?

1 comment:

heogog said...

It depends on how big it is, and there was no problem in the past. I do not think the break is a problem in an amusement park.
Unpack it to your list of questions for the doc.
Now, after the op, I suggest you stay out of an amusement park and others until your doctor can most things in town. Then you make a difference, as he is cured.

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